Many, many thanks to all who participated in our “unique” event.  Thanks to Mary who helped me plan the event making sure we were following the health guidelines. A very special thanks to Robert who arrived at 6:30 to assess the water main repair and reported to me that it was all clear, I am so glad we didn’t have to postpone.  Thanks to Patty, Gloria, Julie, Chris, Sharon, Mary, Kay and Walt for making our plans work. Another special thanks to Walt who brought his generator and fans to keep us cool. Thanks to all of you who dropped off your items.  We filled 2 racks of clothing, Patty’s truck, my SUV and 1/2 filled Julie’s SUV.  Thanks also to those who brought some of their items in 13 gallon unscented kitchen bags. This will help us greatly in getting items to the kids.

At this time, I am not planning an additional inventory drop off.  If we run short of certain items, I may put out a call for those items.   Mary is working on the inventory so we know what we have to begin our process.

How are we going to be distributing our items to the kids?  Here is what I know today.

Luke Air Force base has reached out to us indicating they still would like to have an event for 1,000 of their kids.  They have secured the Gila River Arena (where the Coyotes play) for a drive up distribution on July 23 and they are currently registering their kids.  On Monday July 20, all of the BTSCD supplies will be delivered to the arena where military personnel and selected volunteers will stuff the backpacks with school supplies and dental packs.  Using the registration sheets for each child they will fill the Cox bags with polos, shorts, sweatshirts, socks/underwear, shoes and belts. At this time our goal is to give them 1,000 hats, bookmarks and keychains to also put into their Cox bags.  Depending on space, we would like to include more items such as purses/wallets, pillowcases/hair accessories. Paracord bracelets and girls bracelets are tougher as they need to be fitted to the size of the child’s wrist.  Luke has indicated that they have a Fall Festival in October so perhaps we can send these items and clothing for the kids to select at that time.

School registration has been completed for about 2,000 kids.  Per the sizes the schools registered, the districts will order polos, shorts, sweatshirts and socks/underwear through the BTSCD S.A.F.E (Student Attire For Education) and these items will be delivered directly to them and they will then forward to their schools.  The schools will then come to the BTSCD office to pick up their backpacks, shoes (according to sizes that they registered) and belts. Using the same registered information, we will count accessories and select clothing in their sizes for approximately 140 schools.  In order to still allow for some sort of ‘shopping’ by the kids and our inventory, we will add additional items.  This will be a huge process and will take place from August-October. 

Plans are still ongoing for the foster families and Sequoia school in Mesa.  

This is where we will need your help!  Emails will be sent requesting a certain number of volunteers to assist with the counting and bagging of items. 

Please understand that our plans this year are fluid and ever changing, but we appreciate the fact that you are continuing to create items for our kids!
